Sunday, January 06, 2008

Birthday Princess

My good friend, Shanna, sent Bella a birthday gift that arrived on Friday. Bella was so excited to get her very own package and after saying, "Ooooooo, Bella, you got a package!", there was no way I could wait until this Friday (her birthday) to let her open it. She got a bunch of princess stuff and with every item she opened, she said, "Mommy, she knew I've just always wanted ______!". She wore the tiara for the rest of the night - well, until the tree came through - painted her nails and put on lippy immediately, and has only taken off her "high heels" to go outside. She even had to change into a dress right after opening her gifts because "princesses wear dresses, not sweats". Thanks Shanna!

1 comment:

Shanna (aka sjl202) said...

AWESOME! So glad she loved it!!! Hope she has a great birthday!