Friday, December 18, 2009


She's growing up.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bella's Letter to Santa

(written with ZERO assistance)

"Deer Satu. I wut Loo Loo the cat and a toy cat and reeol jolree."

Translation: "Dear Santa. I want Lulu the cat and a toy cat and real jewelry."

Let me just say 1. I think she did a great job. 2. I love that her list is really modest in requests. 3. We already got everything on the list and still kept things on budget. :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

I laugh so hard...

I get teary eyed every time I look at this picture. Proof that a tripod, self timer, and beautiful winter background don't guarantee a nice picture.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snow Day

Bella's been asking us for two years to take her to the snow. So today, we ditched school and work and drove about 2 hours to Frazier Park and took the girls to the snow for the first time. We planned to go this Saturday but with rain heading in tonight, we knew we needed to hit the snow before the snow turned into ice. So, we borrowed snow gear and sleds and made our way up the mountain. We all had a great time and are hoping to go back in the next few weeks. Bella said, "This was the most amazing day of my life!". She was such a little trooper, climbing up the hill by herself over and over again, half the time sliding down on the disc and the other half losing control and just plummeting down on her hiney. So much fun! I wish we didn't have to do the school and work thing tomorrow and could just all stay at home and hang out. It was so nice to have an extra day together. Maybe we'll make ditching school a habit.

Thursday, December 03, 2009