The first half of the holiday, Steve spent building and installing the sprinkler system for the new grass coming soon in our front yard. Bella, who normally hates getting dirty, decided to dive right into the dirt and once Matea saw her, she had to get in too. They happily spent about an hour and a half digging in the front yard.
In the evening we went over to our friends, The Mitchell's, for their neighborhood block party. There were lots of kids and both of the girls had a great time. Two of their neighbor boys happen to be Bella's schoolmates and she spent most of the night playing with one of them, Magnus. At one point, Magnus invited Bella to go for a ride in a motorized Barbie Jeep. They totally looked like they were on a date. And he's so polite and such a gentleman, he pulled over, told Bella to slide over so she could have a turn at the wheel, and then hopped in next to her. I got some cute pics but won't post them since it's probably "bad manners" to post pics of other people's kids on the web.
Matea seemed to really like the fireworks and got really excited when she held her own sparkler. Bella went into cheerleader mode and stood at the edge of the drive screaming and jumping with joy.
1 comment:
i thought magnus lived down the streeet from me?
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