Wednesday, September 23, 2009

School Updates...Or Not

We're about a month into school for both girls and I guess it's going well. Neither of them tells me much and I have to ask really specific questions to get any answers. Then I question whether their answers are truthful or they're just spitting out the first bit of info. that comes into their mind in order to shut me up.

Tatey seems to be enjoying preschool. No crying or clinging to mama at drop off and she's always so proud of her projects when I pick her up. The other day she said, "Papa, this is called art project" like it was a very scientific term. Her BFF at school is a sweet little girl named Bella. I know, poor girl just can't get away from the power that is Bella. School Bella looks a little like Matea, same brown bob hair and big brown eyes. She's just a little older than Tatey but I think she's a little more socially confident and Matea's happy to follow her. Matea talks about "School Bella" all the time and I think "Home Bella" has finally gotten over being pissed off that there's another Bella in Tate's life.

Bella really seems to be enjoying kindergarten but I can't really figure out what they do there all day. Their daily schedule is posted on the white board but when I ask questions, I get very limited answers (from both B and the teacher). So far, it doesn't seem that different from her pre-k class. At least, not different enough. I've learned that Bella is apparently the only kid in the class who can read and it doesn't appear that they're doing any reading activities in class yet. She comes home with "Open Court" reading books which seem like a joke since we've been working on reading for almost a year now. The assurance that she could be sent to first grade for reading has never been mentioned again and I'm just working on biting my tongue on the issue until parent conferences next month. I know I can be very critical and have high expectations but I'm creating a little human being and feel like I owe her more than she's getting. I was talking to another mom and she bluntly informed me that I was expecting too much for public school and that her son's kindergarten class (at a very highly ranked school) was at the same level as Bella's class. So, we'll just continue to work on our own reading program at home I guess.

There are two major things I've realized this school year. First, having both girls in school doesn't mean I have more time. It's actually quite the opposite. All of the shuttling around of children takes up a huge portion of my day, not to mention the homework and reading after school. My frustration level with selling the house has reached its peak. I really want to be living in town, close to school and work. I drove 40 miles yesterday alone and I have the gas bill that's gone up over $100 per month to prove it.

I've also realized that I was totally spoiled with feedback from teachers the last three years. Bella's first teacher, Miss Sandy, always gave feedback on behavior and performance. She could easily talk to you for 15 minutes and thoroughly answer any questions. And she was honest. When Bella was a little turd, Miss Sandy would tell me. When Bella had a great day, she would give me a 5 minute glowing review. Mrs. Kaar and Mrs. Sarawutari were just as great last year. They'd stay 10 minutes after class to talk to me about my kindergarten questions and concerns. They hugged Matea and asked her if she was excited to start preschool. When I ran into each of them separately after Bella graduated, they both seemed genuinely happy to see us. I just don't get that same ethusiasm and interest from either of the girls' current teachers.

Anyhow, we'll see how the rest of the year plays out. We were really hoping to be moved by the end of the year which leaves us about two months to start escrow in order to make our deadline. I'm sick of all the driving and time wasted in the car. Tired of keeping the house in tip top shape for potential buyers (no more lazy days around here).

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