Sunday, May 06, 2007

Potty Party at Our House!

Bella has been a terribly stubborn potty trainer. We started the process when she was 18 months old and I almost wonder if we just started too early. She understood right away what the whole potty deal was about but just wasn't consistent about going. She wasn't bothered at all by accidents and seemed to really like that the whole thing puzzled and irritated us. Apparently, she likes to be in control of situations. I can't imagine where she learned that, must be from Steve.

Last week she went all week with no accidents so we had a special "Potty Party" for her yesterday morning. Balloons, streamers, flowers, little presents, a special Winnie the Pooh show, and a cinnamon roll and hot chocolate for breakfast. She loved it and seemed really excited to talk about it with people so we're hoping we've finally turned the corner.

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