Thursday, December 23, 2010

An Early Christmas Gift

Last night, after brushing her teeth before bed, Bella said that her mouth was bleeding. I told her it was probably her loose tooth, and sure enough, it was barely hanging on. She got very excited and was ready to pull it out and then reality set in and she freaked out.

After spending some time crying and getting snuggles from Mommy, we decided she should just go to bed and see if it came out on its own tomorrow. Right before bed, Bella told Steve she wanted him to just pull it out. She said he pulled three times and on the fourth pull, the tooth came out.

She was so happy she couldn't sleep! She ended up in bed with me after 10:00 and she was still hyped on adrenaline. She's so excited to go back to school after Christmas break and finally be on the lost tooth chart.

Here's her cute new smile.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It's been raining almost non-stop since Friday evening but there's finally been a break today so I took the girls outside to jump in puddles and test out their new rain boots.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

All Dressed Up

When did this happen?

Two little girls gettin' ready and doing their hair in the bathroom mirror every morning?

Monday, December 06, 2010


Bella recently started taking a weekly art class for kids. She's always been very artistic and interested in crafts and we were very pleased when her teacher described her as a "gifted artist" at her school conference. She can literally spend 3 or 4 hours straight working on one of her art projects.

The class she's taking does a different project every week and teaches a lot of different techniques. Last week they painted a snowman which was the perfect addition to my Christmas snowman collection.

Bella also had her first spelling test last week and got a perfect score:) She's been moved up to the highest level reading group so I knew these spelling words would be easy for her but it was still nice to see her do so well.

Yep, I'm bragging quite a bit about her but I don't care, she deserves it.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Decorating the Tree

Showing off a friend's Christmas card?Being Grumpy