Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Post Surgery Update

Bella had her surgery this morning to remove the "thing" on her lip in the corner of her mouth. We couldn't have been happier with the facility that did the procedure and the nurses were excellent. They were all really great with Bella and she responded very well to them.

We check in at 8:30 and had about 45 minutes of waiting in a kid's room. Bella had to change into a little gown and then hung out in bed with warm blankets while they checked her vitals. She had to put a butterfly sticker on her cheek next to the lesion to mark it for surgery which she thought was really funny.

At around 9:30, they wheeled her back to the OR, we walked with her and gave her one last kiss and hug before she went through the double doors. We waited for about 35 minutes before the doctor came out and told us everything went well and she was waking up nicely. He said that after doing the surgery, he's fairly sure it was a benign tumor on a blood vessel but we should know for sure when the biopsy results come back later this week.

I got to go back and be with her while she woke up and Steve entertained Tater in the waiting room. She was definitely out of it but not upset or crying at all like the nurses had told us to expect. I held her in a rocking chair for 20 minutes or so and then we were off to get her some Jamba Juice, medical supplies, and snacks that will be easy for her to eat while her lip is healing.

The surgery site looked worse than I was expecting at first. I think maybe because it was still really swollen, bruised and her lip was partially white. She has just a few stitches that should fall out in a few days.

I told her that today is her princess day so she can lay around and watch tv all day and I'll bring her whatever she needs. I also told her that tomorrow would be my princess day but I don't think that's going to happen.

1 comment:

Jona Giammalva said...

Oh goodie!!! What a little trouper she is! That girl deserves and ice cream cone (and her mommy too!).