Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer So Far

Backyard Picnic
Squeezing Baby Grace

New hair do's for all!
Writing in journals

Growing a fairy garden
Making homemade blueberry muffins
And eating veggies from our garden

Not too shabby, especially with a surgery and recovery thrown into the mix!

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Feather Hair Extensions

Award Winning

Yes, shockingly, the girl who literally let the soccer ball hit her in the shins rather than kick it during a game received the PE award for her class.


Thursday was Matea's last day of preschool. She was really sad and cried as soon as she woke up because she was upset about not seeing Miss Sandy anymore. While she was at school, I got a text message from Miss Sandy telling me that they were reminiscing about the good times they had together and Miss Sandy told her she could come visit any time she wants to this summer. Then Tatey told her she could come to our house any time she isn't in school. Such a sweetie.